Friday, September 12, 2014

A Little Secret

A little secret about social media and link building. Unread postby AZAnderson » Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:09 pm Everything I needed to know about link building I learned at Facebook. I am going to use Facebook as an example but the link building rules apply to Twitter, Google+ and just about every social media source on the web, including Instagram and Pinterest. The goal of this article is two-fold and teaches you not just link building secrets but also shows where your focus should be on social media sites. Provide great content and you will be loved by the masses and do well. Advertise instead of adding quality post and you will sink like a rock. When you add great content at Facebook your closest friends and family tend to do one of two things. They like the post, or share the post. When they share the post it works like syndication of a news story or RSS feed, it shows that other social media page owners liked the content enough to carry the post on their own content based stream. When they click like it's an endorsement of the post by simple link like siting your website in an article of their own or adding the URL to your original post to a list of great or related post. The more of these links created in more places means more traffic to your profile or page and more likes, shares, and friend request. This is how authority is built if your content is set to a basic set of interest and is why social media sites grow fast in search engines. Every like, and share is an inbound link and endorsement of the quality of content. On Twitter this happens through favorites (likes) and Retweets (syndication) and on Pinterest through the little Heart shaped Luv button and the re-pins which syndicate your uploaded content. Like I said this is the same principle that powers all social media and drives on site and off site search rankings. When you blog you need to focus on adding great content so people will click your share buttons or re-post to syndicate the content or even like and link to it as a source in their other discussions related to that topic. As you add more great content and more of these links and endorsements happen your traffic and search engine rankings will continue to grow and you will build a steady readership. The big thing you can do on a blog or website with content is site a previous article as a source in a new one. This cross linking will result in more people finding related content on your site and sharing that too with their friends and on their sites. You should be diligent in tying the post, images, and videos that relate to each-other together with internal links. Doing this is called curating content and is the reason sites like Wikipedia are considered authority sites which is basically a status that shows your blog or website as a repository of information that is well indexed and socially accepted. Link building is not something you can pay for or barter for safely anymore. Since the Google Panda update whole networks of blogs and sites that practiced pay for placement linking have been penalized or de-listed. Even article marketing sites like Ezine Articles have less weight for links than they did before and Press Releases have become haphazard. The reason the press release is a gamble is because the authority sites like Yahoo News, Fox News, CNN, etc.. are numbered in the few and most releases don't make it to their pages, instead they go on Joe's scraper blog that has no unique content and exist only through other people's content. Joe is a bad link partner and you may need to tell Google and Bing to ignore that link to avoid a penalty. Syndication is good when more popular sites share your content or link to your original post but are bad to very bad when people who abuse automation with search engine SPAM tactics carry the post so always stay on top of seeing what sites are linking to you and demand removal of your content from low quality link partners. This article was written by one of the men I work with Andy Zeus Anderson of SFI fame, he is a very qualified businessman and gives out good information. If your looking to improve your knowledge of online businesses or working from home, contact me and I will give you good information regarding same. Just click on SFI and it will take you to SFI where you can look around and play games or just shop and browse.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Friday, June 28, 2013

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